Hanging egg chair

When you visualise a hanging egg chair, you envision a chic, contemporary piece of outdoor furniture that looks rather svelte in your yard. What if we told you that hanging egg chair appeal goes much beyond aesthetics? They also provide some useful advantages that you might not have known about.
A hanging egg chair is a fantastic addition to your garden, adding a genuine air of elegance and style. The seat softly swings back and forth as if it were hung in air because it is suspended from an overhead mount using a heavy-duty chain that provides improved support for heavier persons (up to 190 kgs on our twin hanging chairs - that's more than double what some other models can support!). A lower seat is better for young children or pets who might not be able to get into an egg chair if it is too high off the ground. The chains can be changed to vary the chair's height to an appropriate height for the user.
A cushioned seat with a body-contouring shape is one that is comfortable to sit in. It encourages excellent posture and provides support where it is most required without impeding motion or introducing pressure spots that might be uncomfortable or painful. Our hanging chairs have plush cushions that give you the sensation of being weightless when you recline, offering support where it's needed.
One of the most comfortable outdoor furniture options available is our hanging chairs. They feature a very interesting and distinctive shape that enables you to relax outside while lounging back in comfort and being cradled by the egg-shaped weave. In a hanging egg chair, you may ease the tension in your back and neck muscles while simultaneously enjoying a light swing. While still offering all of the pleasures you'd anticipate from an upright hammock, this special piece of outdoor furniture enables you to sit completely upright.
They resemble cocoons, which is why hanging egg chairs are also known as cocoon chairs.